52 West Brewing Company

52 West Brewing is an independent regional craft brewery, located in the heart of North Georgia Wine country.

The owners, husband and wife team, David Burns and Samantha Couzens realized one Sunday afternoon while visiting a local winery, that the one thing missing from Dahlonega was a cool brewery. One that offered the same unique experience the wineries had: amazing scenery, music, a laid-back vibe that was close to home but could make you feel worlds away – BUT WITH BEER. Dave has always had a love/love relationship with beer. Drinking it was one thing.

Cherry Street Brewing

Cherry Street’s identity lies in applying cooperative ideals to everyday life. These ideals focus on education, community, and sustainability.

Based in Vickery Village of Cumming, Georgia, Cherry Street Brewing began as a little garage operation in the foothills of the Rockies and quickly spread and built up great community support. Coming up with crazy off the wall recipes and experimenting with unusual ingredients and wild yeast, Cherry Street always has something fresh and exciting to enjoy.

Core Brands

  • Coconut Porter
  • Steppin’ Razor IPA

Seasonals and Special Releases rotate regularly,

Fire Maker Brewing

Fire Maker Brewing Company was built to inspire others, celebrate their achievements, and create a spark!

Fire Maker Brewing Co is family owned and built. Elliott Hall, the Owner and Co-Founder, inherited his entrepreneurial spirit from his entire family. This includes his father, Larry, and brother, Josh, both of which are successful small-turned-large business owners, as well as the Co-Founders of Fire Maker. Their first family business, created from the ground up, was a construction company established by Larry and his wife, Mary. After many years of advancement, Larry retired, and Josh took the company reins which has led to its continued success and expansion.

Second City Distillery

“We’re proud to honor the craft and preserve a southern tradition one bottle at a time as the first distillery in the second city.”

Second City Distilling is reclaiming the culture of small-scale distilling as a craft, returning to the use of quality corn and fresh, local ingredients. Whereas major distillers use the entire run, we only use the “heart” of each batch to yield the best spirits possible.

We ensure that each individual batch meets the highest quality standards, using absolutely no shortcuts. Our products are distilled, bottled and packaged by hand here at the distillery.

Jekyll Brewing Company

Inspired by the history of beer in Georgia, Jekyll Brewing was founded in 2013 to celebrate the quality and camaraderie of the brewing industry in the South.

In 1738, the first  brewery in the Deep South was built on Jekyll Island by General James Oglethorpe, founder of the colony of Georgia, and Major William Horton, Oglethorpe’s second in command. Horton was the head brewer and also grew his own hops and grain for brewing.

The Horton brewery is now in ruins, but it remains a prominent historical site for the state. Georgia’s brewing industry has grown significantly since its colonial days and now more than 40 breweries and brewpubs exist here,