Bold Rock Hard Cider

Every batch of Bold Rock Hard Cider is made from local Blue Ridge Mountain apples, crushed and crafted by local cider makers in North Carolina.

Bold Rock Cider is the result of an unlikely partnership between two men from opposite sides of the world: John Washburn, a native Southerner with a desire to product great Blue Ridge Cider, and Brian Shanks, a New Zealand cider consultant who wanted to get back to his roots of making award-winning cider.

Since it started in 2012, Bold Rock has become the nation’s largest independently owned cider company, with more than 75 awards to its name.

Decoration Day

Memorial Day is informally known as the first day of the summer vacation season, but formally it has a much deeper meaning that dates back to the American Civil War.

Observed on the last Monday of May each year (but actually occurring on May 30), Memorial Day celebrates the memory and sacrifice of men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It was originally called “Decoration Day” because families and volunteers would show their honor by placing American flags and flowers on graves.

Poppies may be worn on this day in remembrance and as a fundraiser for military organizations,